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New Testament Survey


1. Read I and II Peter and make a list of everything that is referred to as precious.

2. Read I Peter and underline each use of the words suffering and grace. These are key words.

3. In I Peter there are a number of titles which describe believers. Read the following verses and list the titles: I Peter 1:14; 2:2; 2:5; 2:9 (four different titles); I Peter 2:11; 4:16; 4:18; 1:2; 2:10; 4:11; 5:2

4. Study the life of Peter in the Gospels and the book of Acts.

5. Note the living realities of the Christ life:

 -The living hope I Peter 1:3-The living Word I Peter 1:23-The living stone I Peter 2:4

6. Several Old Testament quotations are used in I Peter. Compare the following:

 Old Testament SourcePeter's Quote
 Isaiah 28:16I Peter 1:6
 Psalms 118:22I Peter 1:7
 Isaiah 8:14I Peter 1:8

7. Study I Peter 2:9-10. Compare the lives of believers before and after salvation:

 Before SalvationAfter Salvation
 called out of____________into_______________
 were not_________________are now____________
 had not__________________now________________

8. From II Peter, compile a list of the characteristics of ungodly men or false teachers. Save this list to compare it to those listed in the book of Jude.

9. From II Peter 1:5-10, list the qualities that believers are to add to their lives.

10. Compare the day of the Lord (II Peter 3:10) to the day of judgment (II Peter 3:7).