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New Testament Survey


1. Study all the things we should KNOW according to I John. To do this study, first read through I John and underline the word "know" or "known" each time it is used. Then go back and from what you have underlined make a list of things we should know.

2. In I John 2:12-14, list the things written to:

-Young men:
(These are levels of spiritual maturity.)

3. Read through I John and mark each use of the words love and truth. Summarize what is taught on these two subjects.

4. List the evil characteristics of Diotrephes given in III John 9-10.

5. Study the traits of the born-again believer: I John 2:29; 3:9; 4:7; 5:1,4,18

6. Study the seven tests of genuine Christian experience: I John 1:6,8,10; 2:4,6,9; 4:20

7. A simple outline for the book of I John:

-Chapters 1-2: God is light
-Chapters 3-4: God is love
-Chapter 5: God is life

8. Study the following contrasts in I John:

-Light versus darkness: I John 1:5-2:11
-Father versus the world: I John 2:12-17
-Christ versus the antichrist: I John 2:18-28
-Good works versus evil: I John 2:29-3:24
-Holy Spirit versus error: I John 4:1-6
-Love versus pretense: I John 4:7-21
-God-born versus others: I John 5:1-21