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New Testament Survey


1. Make a list of the characteristics of false teachers identified in the book of Jude.

2. Study the Old Testament examples given in Jude:

-Israel saved out of Egypt but later destroyed: Numbers 13-14;
I Corinthians 10:5-10; Hebrews 3:17
-The angels which kept not their first estate: II Peter 2:4
-Sodom and Gomorrah: Genesis 18:1-19:24
-Cain: Genesis 4
-Balaam: Numbers 22-24
-Core (Korah): Numbers 16
-Enoch (The seventh descendant from Adam): Genesis 5:18

3. Study Jude 20-23. List the keys given for protecting yourself from false teachers such as described in the book of Jude.

4. Study the commands in Jude:

 -Earnestly contend for the faith: Jude 1:3-Make a difference: Jude 1:22
 -Remember the words of the apostles: Jude 1:17-Have compassion on some: Jude 1:22
 -Build yourself up in the faith: Jude 1:20-Save others with fear: Jude 1:23
 -Pray in the Holy Ghost: Jude 1:20-Pull them out of the fire: Jude 1:23
 -Look for the mercy of Jesus: Jude 1:21-Hate even the flesh garments: Jude 1:23
 -Keep yourselves in the love of God: Jude 1:21 

5. One of the key words in Jude is "ungodly." He uses it to describe men, lusts, deeds, committed, sinners, speeches.

6. Note the relation between Jude and II Peter:

 JudeII Peter
 Jude 1:4II Peter 2:1-3
 Jude 1:6II Peter 2:4
 Jude 1:7-10II Peter 2:6-12
 Jude 1:11II Peter 2:15
 Jude 1:12-13II Peter 2:13-17
 Jude 1:16II Peter 2:18
 Jude 1:17-18II Peter 3:1-3