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New Testament Survey

V. John's vision of the Lord: Revelation 1:10-18

A. His Person: Alpha and Omega, the Lord: Revelation 1:11
B. His position: The midst of the churches (candlesticks): Revelation 1:12-13
C. His characteristics: Revelation 1:13-16
D. His message: Revelation 1:17-20

Part Two: The Present: "Things which are"

I. Messages to the churches: Revelation 2:1-3:22

A. Ephesus: Revelation 2:1-7
B. Smyrna: Revelation 2:8-11
C. Pergamos: Revelation 2:12-17
D. Thyatira: Revelation 2:18-29
E. Sardis: Revelation 3:1-6
F. Philadelphia: Revelation 3:7-13
G. Laodicea: Revelation 3:14-22

Part Three: The Future: "Things which shall be hereafter"

I. The control of events in the end time: Revelation 4:1-5:14

A. The Throne of God: Revelation 4:1-11
B. The Scroll: Revelation 5:1-5
C. The Lamb: Revelation 5:6-14

II. The wrath of the Lamb: Revelation 6:1-19:21

A. The seven seal judgments: Revelation 6:1-11:19
1. The first seal: Revelation 6:1-2
2. The second seal: Revelation 6:3-4
3. The third seal: Revelation 6:5-6
4. The fourth seal: Revelation 6:7-8
5. The fifth seal: Revelation 6:9-11
6. The sixth seal: Revelation 6:12-17
7. An interlude: Revelation 7:1-17
a. On earth: The sealing of the servants of God: Revelation 7:1-8
b. In Heaven: The singing of the servants of God: Revelation 7:9-17