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New Testament Survey

11. Study the contrasts between the beginning and the ending of the world:

 The BeginningThe Ending
 Genesis Chapters 1-3Revelation Chapters 20-22
 God created the heaven and earth Genesis 1:2And I saw a new heaven and earth: Revelation 21:1
 Let there be light: Genesis 1:3-5The city had no need of light: Revelation 21:23; 22:5
 Waters called sea: Genesis 1:10No more sea: Revelation 21:1
 Tree of life: Genesis 2:8-9Tree of life: Revelation 22:2
 River out of Eden: Genesis 2:10Pure river of life: Revelation 22:1
 Death from a tree: Genesis 2:17Life from a tree: Revelation 22:2
 Curse instituted: Genesis 3:17No more curse: Revelation 22:3
 Pain: Genesis 3:17No more pain: Revelation 21:4
 Entrance shut: Genesis 3:24Entrance open: Revelation 21:25
 He walked with them: Genesis 3:8He dwells with them: Revelation 21:3
 Death instituted: Genesis 2:17Death banished: Revelation 20:14
 Devil deceives: Genesis 3:4-6Devil cannot deceive: Revelation 20:3
 Devil loose: Genesis 3:4Devil bound: Revelation 20:2
 Sorrow: Genesis 3:17No more sorrow: Revelation 21:4
 Earth and heaven formed: Genesis 1:1Earth and heaven flee: Revelation 20:11
 Creative power of God: Genesis 1:1Destructive force of God: Revelation 20:9
 Hiding from God: Genesis 3:8Standing before God: Revelation 20:12
 It is begun: Genesis 1:1It is done: Revelation 21:6


The Bible reveals God's eternal master plan. The Old Testament was the preparation for the plan. The Gospels were the manifestation of the plan, and Acts and the Epistles the appropriation of the plan. Revelation presents the conclusion of God's plan.