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New Testament Survey

XIV. The sermon on the Mount: Luke 6:17-49

XV. Healing of a centurion's servant: Luke 7:1-10

XVI. Raising a widow's son from the dead: Luke 7:11-17

XVII. The question of John the Baptist: Luke 7:18-35

XVIII. Anointing by and forgiveness of the sinful woman: Luke 7:36-50

XIX. Preaching with support from certain women: Luke 8:1-3

XX. The parable of the seed and the soils: Luke 8:4-15

XXI. Parable of the candle: Luke 8:16-18

XXII. True spiritual relationship: Luke 8:19-21

XXIII. Stilling the storm: Luke 8:22-25

XXIV. Healing the demoniac: Luke 8:26-40

XXV. Healing the woman with the issue of blood and raising Jarius' daughter: Luke 8:40-56

XXVI. The mission of the twelve disciples: Luke 9:1-6

XXVII. The death of John the Baptist: Luke 9:7-9

XXVIII. Feeding of the 5,000: Luke 9:10-17

XXIX. Peter's confession: Luke 9:18-21

XXX. Prediction of Christ's death: Luke 9:22

XXXI. A call to discipleship: Luke 9:23-27

XXXII. The transfiguration: Luke 9:28-36

XXXIII. The deliverance of a demon possessed boy: Luke 9:37-45

XXXIV. A lesson on greatness: Luke 9:46-48

XXXV. Remarks on tolerance: Luke 9:49-50