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New Testament Survey

C. The message of Stephen: Acts 7:1-53
1. Abraham: Acts 7:1-8
2. The patriarchs: Acts 7:9-16
3. Moses: Acts 7:17-43
a. In Egypt: Acts 7:17-28
b. In the wilderness: Acts 7:29-43
4. The tabernacle: Acts 7:44-50
a. Of Moses: Acts 7:44
b. Of Joshua: Acts 7:45
c. Of David: Acts 7:45-46
d. Of Solomon: Acts 7:47-50
e. Of God: Acts 7:48-50
5. The prophets: Acts 7:51-53
D. The witness of Stephen: Acts 7:54-8:1
1. The attitude of the council: Acts 7:54
2. The announcement by Stephen: Acts 7:55-56
3. The action of the council: Acts 7:57-59
4. The death of Stephen: Acts 7:59-8:1

Part Three: The Witness In Judaea and Samaria
Acts 8-12

I. Transition: Results of the death of Stephen: Acts 8:1-4

A. The persecution: Acts 8:1,3
B. The burial of Stephen: Acts 8:2
C. The extended witness of the church: Acts 8:4

II. The witness of Philip: Acts 8:5-40

A. Ministry in Samaria: Acts 8:5-25
1. The witness of Philip: Acts 8:5-13
a. The work of Philip: Acts 8:5-7, 12
b. The response of the Samaritans: Acts 8:6-12
c. Simon the Sorcerer: Acts 8:9-13
2. The work Peter and John: Acts 8:14-17
a. The coming of Peter and John: Acts 8:14
b. The coming of the Holy Spirit: Acts 8:15-17
c. The response of Simon: Acts 8:18-19
d. The warning of Simon: Acts 8:20-24
B. Ministry to the Ethiopian: Acts 8:26-40
1. Preparation: Acts 8:26-28
2. The witness: Acts 8:29-35
3. The response: Acts 8:36-38
C. Transition to Azotus: Acts 8:39-40