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New Testament Survey

4. The visit to Cornelius' house: Acts 10:23-48
a. The journey: Acts 10:23
b. The reception: Acts 10:24-27
c. The explanation: Acts 10:27-28
d. The question: Acts 10:29
e. The answer: Acts 10:30-33
f. The unfinished sermon: Acts 10:34-43
(1) God is no respecter of persons: Acts 10:34-35
(2) Spread of the Gospel: Acts 10:36-37
(3) The Gospel message: Acts 10:38-43
g. The response of Cornelius: Acts 8:44-48
D. At Jerusalem: Acts 11:1-12:25
1. The problem of Gentile conversion: Acts 11:1-18
a. The problem: Acts 11:1-3
b. The explanation of God's work among the Gentiles: Acts 11:4-17
(1) The vision: Acts 11:4-10
(2) The visitors: Acts 11:11
(3) The visit: Acts 11:12-16
c. The decision: Acts 4:18

V. The church in Antioch of Syria: Acts 11:19-30

A. Evangelization of Antioch: Acts 11:19-21
B. Visit by Barnabus: Acts 11:22-24
C. Saul chosen as pastor-teacher: Acts 11:25-26
D. Information revealed by Agabus: Acts 11:27-30

VI. Persecution led by Herod: Acts 12:1-25

A. The murder of James: Acts 12:1-2
B. The arrest of Peter: Acts 12:3-4
C. The deliverance of Peter Acts 12:5-19
D. The death of Herod: Acts 12:20-23

VII. The declaration of the Word: Acts 12:24-25

Part Four: Witness To The Uttermost Parts Of The Earth
Acts 13-28

I. The first missionary journey: Acts 13:1-14:28

A. The call to ministry: Acts 13:1-3
B. Ministry in Paphos in Cyprus: Acts 13:4-12