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New Testament Survey

b. The judgment of God according to works: Romans 2:6-15
(1) The principle of judgment: Romans 2:6
(2) The two classes in the judgment: Romans 2:7-12
(3) Obedience to light as the test in judgment: Romans 2:13-15
c. The judgment in relation to Paul's Gospel: Romans 2:16
2. The Jew's moral failure: Romans 2:17-29
a. Claims of the Jew: Romans 2:17-20
b. Refutation of the claims of the Jew: Romans 2:21-24
c. Failure to live up to responsibilities: Romans 2:25-29
(l) Of circumcision: Romans 2:25
(2) Of obedience: Romans 2:26-27
(3) A true and false view of a Jew: Romans 2:28-29
3. The Jew's objections: Romans 3:1-8
a. The question of the Jews: Romans 3:1-4
(1) The question: Romans 3:1
(2) The answer: Romans 3:2-4
(3) The objection: Romans 3:5
(4) Denial of the objection: Romans 3:6-8
C. Condemnation of the whole world: Romans 3:9-20
1. The charge that all have sinned: Romans 3:9
2. The proof of universal sin from Scripture: Romans 3:10-18
a. The character of sin: Romans 3:10-12
b. The practice of sin: Romans 3:13-17
(1) In speech: Romans 3:13-14
(2) In conduct: Romans 3:15-17
c. The reason for sin: Romans 3:18
3. The application to the Jew who has the law: Romans 3:19-20

II. The righteousness of God in justification: Romans 3:21-5:21

A. Justification by faith: Romans 3:21-26
1. It is the manifestation of the righteousness of God: Romans 3:21
2. The description of justification by faith: Romans 3:21-26
a. Its relation to the Old Testament: Romans 3:21
b. Availability through faith: Romans 3:22-23
c. Its basis in Christ's redemption: Romans 3:24-25
d. The demonstration of God's justice: Romans 3:25-26
B. Summary of the doctrine of justification: Romans 3:27-31
1. The exclusion of personal merit: Romans 3:27-28
2. The presentation of God's character: Romans 3:29-30
3. The establishment of the law: Romans 3:31
C. The proof of justification by faith from Scripture: Romans 4:1-25
1. Abraham's justification: Romans 4:1-12
a. The question about Abraham's experience: Romans 4:1
b. The means of his justification: Romans 4:2-3
c. The comparison of the two ways of justification: Romans 4:4-5
d. The confirmation from David's testimony: Romans 4:6-8