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New Testament Survey

The Conclusion
Romans 15:14-16:20

I. Personal matters: Romans 15:14-33

A. Paul's explanation for writing: Romans 15:14-21
1. His attitude in writing: Romans 15:14-16
a. His recognition of them: Romans 15:14
b. His boldness in writing them: Romans 15:15
c. The statement of his commission: Romans 15:16
2. His authorization for writing: Romans 15:17-21
a. His personal boasting: Romans 15:17
b. His humility in speaking of his work: Romans 15:18
c. His ministry to the Gentiles: Romans 15:18-19
d. His aim in selecting a field of labor: Romans 15:20-21
B. His personal plans at the time of writing: Romans 15:22-29
1. Unfulfilled plans: Romans 15:22-24
a. His plans to visit Rome: Romans 15:22-23
b. His plans for Spain: Romans 15:24
2. His immediate plans: Romans 15:25-27
a. His present plans: Romans 15:25
b. Significance of his present plans: Romans 15:26-27
3. His plans for the future: Romans 15:28-29
C. His request for their prayers: Romans 15:30-33
1. The request for prayer: Romans 15:30-32
2. The benediction: Romans 15:33

II. Friendship matters: Romans 16:1-23

A. A commendation of Phoebe: Romans 16:1-2
B. The greeting to friends at Rome: Romans 16:3-16
1. Greetings to individuals at Rome: Romans 16:3-15
2. Greetings among believers at Rome: Romans 16:16
3. Greeting from the churches to the Roman believers: Romans 16:16
C. The warning to believers at Rome: Romans 16:17-20
1. Contents of the warning: Romans 16:17
2. Description of the men of whom he is warning: Romans 16:18
3. The reason for the warning: Romans 6:19
4. The promise of victory: Romans 16:20
5. The benediction: Romans 16:20
D. Greetings from his companions: Romans 16:21-24