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New Testament Survey


1. Romans provides the most detailed record of God's hatred of sexual perversion: Romans 1:18-32.

2. Romans gives the most detailed explanation of the dealings of God with the nation of Israel in the past, present, and future. See chapters 9-11.

3. Romans contains five benedictions or blessings which close portions of the book. See Romans 11:33-36; 15:30-33; 16:20; 16:24-27.

4. Seven results of justification by faith are listed in Romans 5:1-11. Being justified by faith means we:

-Have peace with God.
-Have access by faith.
-Rejoice in the hope of glory.
-Glory in tribulations.
-Have the love of God which is shed in our hearts.
-Shall be saved from the wrath of God.
-Possess joy in God.

5. There are three deaths spoken of in the book of Romans:

-Dead to sin, alive to God: 6:11
-Dead to the law, married to Christ: 7:4
-Dead to the flesh, led by the Spirit: 8:13