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New Testament Survey

E. Parable of the lost sheep: Matthew 18:10-14
F. Settling disputes among Kingdom citizens: Matthew 18:15-35
1. How to settle disputes: Matthew 18:15-17
2. The responsibilities and privileges of Kingdom citizens: Matthew 18:18-20
3. A question on forgiveness: Matthew 18:21-22
4. The King and his debtors: Matthew 18:23-35

Part Six: Ministry Of The King In Perea
Matthew 19:1-20:34

I. Healing multitudes in Judea: Matthew 19:1-2

II. The question concerning divorce: Matthew 19:3-12

III. Children blessed by Jesus: Matthew 19:13-15

IV. Interview with the rich young ruler: Matthew 19:16-22

V. The peril of riches: Matthew 19:23-30

VI. Parable of the householder: Matthew 20:1-16

VII. Impending death and resurrection of Jesus: Matthew 20:17-19

VIII. A mother's selfish request: Matthew 20:20-28

IX. Two blind men healed near Jericho: Matthew 20:29-34

Part Seven: The King's Last Week
Matthew 21:1-27:31

I. The royal entry into Jerusalem: Matthew 21:1-11

II. Cleansing the temple: Matthew 21:12-17

III. The fig tree cursed: Matthew 21:18-22

IV. The authority of Jesus challenged: Matthew 21:23-32

V. Parable of the wicked husbandmen: Matthew 21:33-46

VI. Parable of the marriage feast: Matthew 22:1-14