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Old Testament Survey

Summary Chart Of The Divided Kingdom

ISRAEL 933-722 B.C.JUDAH 933-586 B.C.
Other names:Other Names:
The Ten TribesThe Two Tribes
The Northern KingdomThe Southern Kingdom
Samaria/EphraimHouse Of David
Ruling Families:Ruling Families:
Nine dynasties or ruling familiesOne dynasty (David)
Nineteen kings (all wicked)Twenty kings (Many Good)
One Suicide/Seven assassinationsFive assassinations
211 years347 years
Punished by captivity to AssyriaCarried to Babylon
Dispersed among nationsReturned after 70 years
 Rebuilt Jerusalem and temple
Did not regain freedom 
More than 2/3 of CanaanLess than l/3 of Canaan
The best portionThe temple and Jerusalem
Forsook God-ordained way of worshipIdolatry added to worship
Worshiped golden calf all through historyFrequent reforms
Added Baal and Asherah worship during Ahab's reignGod-fearing kings