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Old Testament Survey


l. Read Psalms 137. This chapter records the sorrow of God's people as they made the trip from Jerusalem to captivity in Babylon. Read Psalms 126 which describes the joy of the return to Jerusalem from captivity.

2. The divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah were both taken captive by enemies. Israel was taken captive by Assyria in 721 B.C. Judah was taken captive by Babylon in 606 B.C. The return of God's people to Jerusalem from captivity was as follows:

536 B.C. Zerubbabel with 42,360 Jews, 7,337 servants, 200 singers, 736 horses, 245 mules, 435 camels, 6,720 asses, and 5,400 gold and silver vessels.

457 B.C. Ezra with 1,754 men, 100 talents of gold, 750 talents of silver. It is not stated whether women and children were in this group of returning exiles.

444 B.C. Nehemiah, with an army escort, to rebuild and fortify Jerusalem.

3. There were three trips into Babylonian bondage. In Ezra, there are three journeys back to the Promised Land.

Three trips into Babylon:
-In the days of Daniel: 606 B.C./
-In the days of Ezekiel: 597 B.C.
-In the days of King Zedekiah: 586 B.C.
Three trips into freedom:
-Led by Zerubbabel and Joshua: 538 B.C.
-Led by Ezra: 456 B.C.
-Led by Nehemiah: 446 B.C.