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Old Testament Survey




Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Name the author of the book of Esther.
  • Identify to whom the book of Esther was written.
  • State the purpose for the book of Esther.
  • Write the Key Verse of the book of Esther from memory.
  • State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Esther.


AUTHOR: Unknown

TO WHOM: The Jews scattered throughout Persia.

PURPOSE: Continuation of history of Israel. Also to recount the providential care of God for His people.

KEY VERSE: Esther 4:14

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: God meets the crises of life with human vessels which He has prepared.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Esther, Vashti, Haman, Mordecai, Ahasuerus


I. Introduction: Esther 1:1-22

A. The great feasts: Esther 1:1-9
B. A domestic problem: Esther 1:10-12
C. A royal commandment: Esther 1:13-22