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Old Testament Survey

VI. God's answer: Job 38:1-42:6

A. First speech: Job 38:1-40:5
1. God questions Job from the realm of creation: Job 38:1-38
2. God questions Job from the realm of animals: Job 38:39-39:30
3. God demands an answer to His questions: Job 40:1-2
4. Job's first answer to God: Job 40:3-5
B. Second speech: Job 40:6-42:6
1. God tells Job to save himself: Job 40:6-14
2. God compares the power of Job with Behemoth: Job 40:15-24
3. God compares the power of Job with Leviathan: Job 41:1-34
4. Job's second answer to God: Job 42-1-6
a. He confesses lack of understanding: Job Job 42:1-3
b. He repents of His rebellion: Job 42:4-6

VII. Epilogue: Job 42:1-17

A. Divine rebuke of Job's three friends: Job 42:1-9
B. Job's restoration: Job 42:10-17