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Old Testament Survey


1. List the name of each character who speaks in the book of Job. Summarize the thoughts presented by each. The answers for the problem of suffering is dealt with from different perspectives by the friends of Job. They all agree that Job must have sinned.

Eliphaz views the problem from the perspective of philosophy.
Bildad bases his advice on tradition rooted in history.
Zophar bases his ideas on assumption and is the voice of orthodox morality.
Elihu was an intellectual and bases his advice on education and logic.

2. Compare Job 1:21 with Philippians 4:11-12

3. The book of Job provides the most extended description of the world's history before man. See chapters 38-39. Other statements about the earth reveal it is suspended in space (Job 26:7) and that it is a sphere shape (Job 22:14).

4. The book of Job reveals two important truths:

First, there is a spiritual reason behind the suffering of the righteous: Job 1:6-12; 2:1-6.
Second, Satan cannot afflict a believer without the permission of God: Job 1:6-12; 2:1-6.

God knows how much we can bear and will not let Satan go beyond this point (I Corinthians 10:13).

5. The book reveals several reasons for Job's suffering:

-That Satan might be silenced: Job 1:9-11; 2:4,5
-That Job might see himself as he really was: Job 40:4; 42:6
-That Job might see God: Job 42:5
-That Job's friends might learn not to judge: Job 42:7
-That Job might learn to pray for his critics rather than lash out against them verbally:

Job 42:10

-To show that God's plans for His children eventually result in happiness: Job 42:10