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Old Testament Survey


1. Study the characteristics of the bridegroom as described by the bride. These are natural parallels or descriptions of the spiritual qualities of our bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ:

-Swift as a gazelle (animal like a deer) leaping over the hills: Song of Solomon 2:9
-Ruddy and handsome, the fairest of ten thousand: Song of Solomon 5:10
-His head was covered by wavy, dark hair, pure as gold: Song of Solomon 5:11
-His eyes were deep and quiet, like doves beside brooks of water: Song of Solomon 5:12
-His lips were like lilies and his breath like myrrh: Song of Solomon 5:13
-His cheeks were like sweet beds of spice: Song of Solomon 5:13
-His body was bright ivory with jewels: Song of Solomon 5:14
-His arms were like round bars of gold set with topaz stones: Song of Solomon 5:14
-His legs were like pillars of marble set in sockets of finest gold, like the cedar trees of

Lebanon: Song of Solomon 5:15

2. Study the natural characteristics of the bride as described by the bridegroom. Remember. . . these are symbolic parallels of spiritual truth. How do these relate to you spiritually as part of the "bride of Christ"?

-She was the most beautiful girl in the world: Song of Solomon 1:8
-She was like a bouquet of flowers in a garden: Song of Solomon 1:14
-Her eyes were like those of doves: Song of Solomon 1:15
-She was like a lily among the thorns: Song of Solomon 2:2
-Her hair was like flocks of goats which played across the slopes of Gilead: Song of Solomon 4:1
-Her teeth were as white as sheep's wool: Song of Solomon 4:2
-Her lips were like a thread of scarlet: Song of Solomon 4:3
-Her lips were like honey: Song of Solomon 4:11
-Her neck was as stately as the tower of David: Song of Solomon 4:4
-Her bosom was like twin fawns feeding among the lilies: Song of Solomon 4:5
-She was like a lovely orchard, bearing precious fruit: Song of Solomon 4:13
-She was like a garden fountain, a well of living water, refreshing as the streams from the

Lebanon mountains: Song of Solomon 4:15

-Her thighs were like jewels, the work of the most skilled craftsmen: Song of Solomon 7:1
-Her waist was like a heap of wheat set about with lilies: Song of Solomon 7:2
-Her navel was as lovely as a goblet filled with wine: Song of Solomon 7:2
-Her nose was like the Tower of Lebanon overlooking Damascus: Song of Solomon 7:4
-He was overcome by just a glance of her beautiful eyes: Song of Solomon 4:9