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Old Testament Survey

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Chapters 36 through 39 are a historical transition from the Assyrian to the Babylonian period:

I. Sennacherib's invasion: Isaiah 36:1-37:38
II. Hezekiah's sickness and recovery: Isaiah 38:1-22
III. Arrival of Babylonian envoy and captivity: Isaiah 39:1-8

Part Two

I. Comfort of the Exiles in the promise of restoration: Isaiah 40:1-66:24

A. The promise of restoration: Isaiah 40:1-11
B. The basis of comfort: God's character: Isaiah 40:12-31
C. The reason for comfort: Isaiah 41:1-29
D. The Comforter: Isaiah 42:1-25
E. The results of the comfort: Isaiah 43:1-47:15
l. The nation restored: Isaiah 43:1-45:25
2. The downfall of idols of Babylon: Isaiah 46:1-13
3. Downfall of Babylon: Isaiah 47:1-15
F. Exhortation of comfort for those who are delivered from captivity: Isaiah 48:1-22

II. Comfort of the exiles with the prophecy of Jesus the Redeemer: Isaiah 49:1-57:21

A. Call and work: Isaiah 49:1-26
B. Obedience and faithfulness: Isaiah 50:1-11
C. Redemption of Israel: Isaiah 51:1-52:12
D. Atonement and exaltation: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
E. Israel's restoration: Isaiah 54:1-17
F. Worldwide salvation: Isaiah 55:1-13
G. His warnings and promises: Isaiah 56:1-57:21

III. Comfort of the exiles with the prophecy of the future glory of Israel: Isaiah 58:1-66:24

A. Obstacles to the restoration and their removal: Isaiah 58:1-59:21
B. Glory of Jerusalem in the Messianic age: Isaiah 60:1-22
C. Blessings of the Messiah for Israel and the world: Isaiah 61:1-11
D. God's love for Jerusalem and its results: Isaiah 62:1-12
E. Christ's conquest of Israel's enemies results in acknowledgment of past national

deliverances: Isaiah 63:1-14

F. Prayer of the remnant: Isaiah 63:15-64:12
G. God's answer: Isaiah 65:1-25
H. Blessings of the Messianic Kingdom: Isaiah 66:1-24