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Old Testament Survey


1. Several object lessons are used by Jeremiah. An object lesson is when a visible object is used to illustrate a spiritual truth. Study these object lessons in the book of Jeremiah in the chapters indicated:

-An almond rod: l
-Boiling caldron: l
-Marred girdle: 13
-Full bottle: 13
-Drought: 14
-Potter's vessel: 18
-Broken bottle: 19
-Two baskets of figs: 24
-Bonds and bars: 27
-Buying a field: 32
-Hidden stones: 43
-A book sunk in the river: 51

2. Jeremiah was the only Biblical prophet who was forbidden to pray for his nation: Jeremiah 7:16; 11:14; 14:11; 16:5

3. The sufferings of Jeremiah were similar to the sufferings of Jesus:

-Both were mistreated by their families: Jeremiah 12:6, John 7:5
-Both were plotted against by citizens of their own home towns: Jeremiah 11:21, Luke 4:28-30
-Both were hated by the religious world: Jeremiah 26:7-8, John 11:47-53
-Both were denounced by synagogue leaders: Jeremiah 20:1, John 18:13,24
-Both were aided by a king: Jeremiah 38:16, Luke 23:4
-Both were described similarly: Jeremiah 11:19, Isaiah 53:7
-Both wept over Jerusalem: Jeremiah 9:1, Luke 19:41
-Both predicted the destruction of the Temple: Jeremiah 7:11-15, Matthew 24:1-2