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Old Testament Survey

II. Punishment from God: The results described: Lamentations 2:1-22

A. God had destroyed every home in Judah: Lamentations 2:1-2
B. Every fortress and wall was broken: Lamentations 2:2
C. His bow of judgment was bent across the land: Lamentations 2:4
D. The Temple had fallen: Lamentations 2:6
E. Judah's enemies were given freedom to destroy: Lamentations 2:15-16
F. Bodies of the people lined the streets of Jerusalem: Lamentations 2:21-22

III. The prophet of God: Lamentations 3:1-66

A. The affliction of the prophet: Lamentations 3:1-19
B. The assurance of the prophet: Lamentations 3:21-27, 31-33
C. The advice of the prophet: Lamentations 3:40-66

IV. Description of conditions continued: Lamentations 4:1-22

A. Children are thirsty: Lamentations 4:4
B. Youth treated badly: Lamentations 5:13
C. Rich were in the streets begging: Lamentations 4:5
D. Formerly mighty princes were now thin with blackened faces: Lamentations 4:7,8
E. Women had cooked and eaten their own children: Lamentations 4:10
F. False prophets and priests were blindly staggering through the streets: Lamentations 4:14
G. King Zedekiah had been captured, blinded, and carried into captivity: Lamentations 4:20

V. The prayer of the prophet: Lamentations 5:1-18

It was a prayer of:
A. Remembrance: Lamentations 5:1
B. Repentance: Lamentations 5:16
C. Recognition of God: Lamentations 5:19
D. Renewal: Lamentations 5:21