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Old Testament Survey


1. One of the greatest passages on the faithfulness of God is found in Lamentations 3:21-33. Compare this with II Timothy 2:13.

2. Compare Revelation 18 to the book of Lamentations. In Lamentations, the prophet weeps over the destruction of the Messianic city of Jerusalem. In Revelation 18, the merchants weep over the destruction of the materialistic city of Babylon.

3. Read Lamentations 5:16. This verse summarizes the reasons for God's judgment. Around 1000 B.C. David established his capital in Jerusalem. God blessed this city for nearly 400 years and spared it even after he allowed the northern kingdom to be carried away by the Assyrians in 721 B.C. All of His mercy was in vain, however, for the people of Judah continued to sin. Judgment now came.

4. The Jews have for centuries publicly read Lamentations each year on the ninth month of Ab to commemorate the destruction of the first Temple in 586 B.C. and the second Temple in A.D. 70.

5. It is said that Jeremiah sat weeping outside the north wall of Jerusalem under a hill called Golgotha where Christ would later die.

6. Jerusalem is personified as a woman. List what happened to Jerusalem and why. Note her emotions, the anguish because of her children, and the thoughts and memories she must deal with.

7. Record what you learn about God in this book: His character, His judgments, and why He acts as He does. For example Lamentations 1:5 states that God caused Judah grief because of her sin and brought about her captivity because of her transgressions.

8. Why do you think God deals with sin as He does? How should we respond? Read chapter 3 so your "dancing" will not be turned into "mourning."