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Old Testament Survey


1. Compare Ezekiel chapter 16 and the book of Hosea.

2. The most vivid Old Testament vision is the valley of dry bones found in Ezekiel 37. Study this chapter.

3. This book describes one of seven Biblical temples, the Millennial temple. See Ezekiel chapters 40-48. Read about the other Biblical temples in these chapters:

-The tabernacle of Moses: Exodus 40-The temple of Christ's body: John 2
-The temple of Solomon: I Kings 6-The spiritual temple: The church: Acts 2
-The temple of Zerubbabel/Herod: Ezra 6, John 2-The tribulation temple: Revelation 11

4. It is important to realize that God orders the events of history with one purpose in mind: That the nations might know He is the true God. The phrase "they shall known I am Jehovah" occurs 70 times in this book. Underline these passages as you study Ezekiel to help you understand the divine purpose of God's actions.

5. Ezekiel is a prophet of visions. He wrote that as he was among the captives, "...the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God" (Ezekiel 1:1). Here are the visions he saw:

-The vision of the Cherubim:Ezekiel 1:1-3:13
-The vision of glory and godlessness:Ezekiel 8:1-11:25
-The vision of the burning vine:Ezekiel 15:18
-The vision of dry bones:Ezekiel 37:1-28

6. Parables and signs in Ezekiel:

-The parable of the two eagles reveals the King of Babylon and the King of Egypt; the highest branch corresponds to Jehoiachin; seed of the land was Zedekiah; the tender twig stood for the Messiah: Ezekiel chapter 17

-Chapters 20-23 include several parables. One of the most important is that of the two sisters, Aholah and Aholibah. They represent Israel and Judah's deterioration into idolatry. -The parable of the boiling caldron symbolizes the condition of Jerusalem when the Babylonians invade it: Ezekiel 11:1-13

-Two sticks, one Judah and the other Israel, are shown as ultimately reunited under the Shepherd King: Ezekiel 37:1-28