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Old Testament Survey

II. Visions and events under Nebuchadnezzar: Daniel 2:1-6:28

A. The image and interpretation: Daniel 2:1-49
Four kingdoms or world empires:
1. Babylonian: 606 B.C.
2. Medo-Persian: 538 B.C.
3. Grecian: 330 B.C.
4. Roman: 63 B.C.
B. The fiery furnace: Daniel 3:1-30
1. The king's command: Daniel 3:1-7
2. The stand of God's men: Daniel 3:8-23
3. Judgment and deliverance: Daniel 3:24-30
C. Nebuchadnezzar's tree vision and its meaning: Daniel 4:1-37
1. The dream: Daniel 4:1-18
2. The interpretation: Daniel 4:19-27
3. The fulfillment: Daniel 4:28-37
D. Belshazzar's feast: Daniel 5:1-31
1. The feast: Daniel 5:1-4
2. The judgment: Daniel 5:5-9
3. The search for an interpreter: Daniel 5:10-16
4. The interpretation: Daniel 5:17-29
5. The fulfillment: Daniel 5:30-31
E. Daniel's deliverance from the lions' den: Daniel 6:1-28
1. An evil plan: Daniel 6:1-9
2. Daniel's response: Daniel 6:10-20
3. Deliverance from the den: Daniel 6:21-28

III. Visions under Belshazzar, Darius, and Cyrus: Daniel 7:1-12:13

A. The four beasts and interpretation: Daniel 7:1-28
1. They arise from a great sea: Daniel 7:1-3
(a) Beast like a lion: Babylon: Daniel 7:4
(b) Beast like a bear: Medo-Persia: Daniel 7:5
(c) Beast like a leopard: Greece: Daniel 7:6
(d) Beast like a monster: Rome: Daniel 7:7
2. The little horn (antichrist): Daniel 7:8
3. Kingdom of God: Daniel 7:9-14
4. Interpretation: Daniel 7:15-28
B. The ram and the goat and interpretation: Daniel 8:1-27
1. The introduction: Daniel 8:1-2
2. The vision: Daniel 8:3-14
(a) The ram is Medo-Persia: Daniel 8:3-4
(b) The goat is Greece: Daniel 8:5-14
3. Revelations concerning Antiochus Epiphanes and the Anti-Christ: Daniel 8:15-
C. The seventy weeks: Daniel 9:1-27
1. Introduction: Daniel 9:1-2
2. The prayer: Daniel 9:3-19
3. The seventy weeks: Daniel 9:20-27