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Old Testament Survey

C. Israel chastised: Hosea 2:1-13
1. Condemnation of sinful conduct: Hosea 2:1-7
2. Punishment more fully explained: Hosea 2:8-13
D. Israel restored: Hosea 2:14-23
1. Promise of conversion: Hosea 2:14-17
2. Renewal of covenant: Hosea 2:18-23

III. Redemption of an adulterous wife: Hosea 3:1-5

A. Hosea's experience: Hosea 3:1-3
B. Israel's parallel experience: Hosea 3:4-5

IV. The triumph of divine love in the restoration of a repentant nation: Hosea 4:1-14:9

A. Israel's guilt: Hosea 4:1-19
l. The general charge: Hosea 4:1-5
2. Willful ignorance: Hosea 4:6-11
3. Idolatry: Hosea 4:12-19
B. The divine displeasure: Hosea 5:1-15
1. Guilt of priests, people, princes: Hosea 5:1-7
2. Judgment will follow: Hosea 5:8-15
C. The repentant remnant: Hosea 6:1-3
1. Return, but without heartfelt repentance: Hosea 6:1-3
D. The response of God: Hosea 6:4-13:8
1. God is not deceived: Hosea 6:4-11
E. National government corrupt: Hosea 7:1-7
F. Foreign policy corrupt: Hosea 7:8-16
G. Consequences of national corruption: Hosea 8:1-14
H. The apostasy and its punishment: Hosea 9:1-9
I. As God found Israel and as they became: Hosea 9:10-17
J. Puppet kings and gods: Hosea 10:1-3
K. Righteousness becomes poison: Hosea 10:4-5
L. Assyria used in judgment: Hosea 10:6-7
M. The terror of judgment: Hosea 10:8
N. Persistence in rebellion: Hosea 10:9-15
O. Ingratitude for God's love: Hosea 11:1-7
P. Israel's Canaanitish ways: Hosea 11:12-12:14
Q. Idolatry the basis of destruction: Hosea 13:1-8