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Old Testament Survey


1. Joel was the first prophet to use the phrase "the day of the Lord." This title describes the seven-year tribulation period which will come upon the earth at the time of God's final judgment. Read about "the day of the Lord" in Joel 1:15; 2:1,11,31; and 3:14.

2. Here is a summary of the condition of Judah as described by Joel:

-Destroyed by enemy: Joel 1:4,6-7
-New wine cut off: Joel 1:6,10
(Jesus is the vine; the people were cut off from the vine, the source of life.)
-Harvest perishing: Joel 1:11-12
-Left first love: Joel 1:8
-Offerings cut off: Joel 1:9
-Ministers mourning: Joel 1:9
-Joy gone: Joel 1:12,16
-Spiritually hungry: Joel 1:17-20

3. Here is the remedy God gives by Joel:

-Repentance: Joel 2:12-13
-Recognition of God: Joel 2:26
-Relation (come to know God): Joel 2:27
-Reverence for God: Joel 2:27 ("I am the Lord; none beside me")

4. If Judah repented, here is what would happen:

-Restoration: Joel 2:25
-Revival and refreshing: Joel 2:23
-Revelation: Joel 2:28-31
-Redemption (salvation) and release (deliverance): Joel 2:32
-Readiness (prepared, not ashamed): Joel 3:13-14