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Old Testament Survey


1. The watchful eye of God sees:

-Past sin: Amos 1:3
-Individual acts: Amos 1:6
-Broken promises: Amos 1:9
-Hidden enmity of the heart: Amos 1:11
-Emotions and ambition: Amos 1:13
-Memory and its treasured sins: Amos 2:1

2. Amos deals with five features of the day of the Lord:

-The King: Amos 9:11
-The nations: Amos 9:12
-The earth: Amos 9:13
-The people: Amos 9:14
-The land: Amos 9:15

3. The first part of Amos is bracketed between two references to the roaring lion in Amos 1:2 and Amos 3:8. The lion first denounces the sins of the Gentile world (Amos 1:3-2:3), then the Israelite world (southern kingdom of Judah Amos 2:4-5 and northern kingdom of Israel Amos 2:6, 16), and ends by binding them together in a final oracle (Amos 3:1-2).

4. List all the nations mentioned in the book of Amos, the reason for their punishment, and the judgment which was to come:

NationReasons For PunishmentJudgment To Come