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Old Testament Survey

C. Edom will be completely plundered and deserted: Obadiah 1:5-9
1. Thieves and robbers: Obadiah 1:5
2. Hidden treasure sought: Obadiah 1:6
4. Edom deceived and trapped: Obadiah 1:7.
5. Wise men destroyed: Obadiah 1:8
6. Mighty men dismayed and Edom cut off: Obadiah 1:9

II. The cause: Obadiah 1:10-14

A. Violence: Obadiah 1:10
B. Hostile attitude: Obadiah 1:11
C. Joy at the calamity of others: Obadiah 1:12
D. Boasting in times of other's distress: Obadiah 1:12
E. Spoiling God's people: Obadiah 1:13
F. Preventing escape of fugitives: Obadiah 1:14
G. Betrayal: Obadiah 1:14

III. "The day of the Lord" when judgment will come on all heathen nations, not only Edom: Obadiah 1:15-21

A. Judgment on Edom and all nations: Obadiah 1:15-16
1. As you have done, you will receive: Obadiah 1:15
2. As they have done, they will receive: Obadiah 1:16
B. Salvation of the house of Jacob: Obadiah 1:17-20
1. Deliverance and holiness in Mt. Zion: Obadiah 1:17
2. Houses of Jacob, Joseph, Esau: Obadiah 1:18
3. Possessions: Obadiah 1:19-20
C. The millennial kingdom of Jesus: Obadiah 1:21