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Old Testament Survey


1. When God "repented" it did not mean the same as repentance from wrongdoing (3:10). God, in mercy, decided not to send the previously planned judgment because the people of Ninevah believed and acted upon Jonah's message. See Amos 7:3; Luke 11:30; Matthew 12:39.

2. Jonah is a type of the nation of Israel:

-Chosen to witness: Deuteronomy 14:2; Ezekiel 20:5
-Commissioned of God: Isaiah 43:10-12 and 44:8
-Disobedient to the will of the Lord: Exodus 32:1-4; Judges 2:11-19; Ezekiel 6:1-5; Mark 7:6-9
-Among men of different nationalities: Deuteronomy 4:27; Ezekiel 12:15
-While among the heathen, they came to know God: Romans 11:11
-Miraculously preserved: Hosea 3:3; Jeremiah 30:11; 31:35-37

3. Note the reasons Jonah was displeased with God. It was because He was gracious, merciful, slow to anger, great in kindness, and repents of judgment.

4. Jonah was controlled by his emotions. For example, in chapter 4 he was first angry, then glad, then angry again. He was self-willed (chapter 1) and characterized by pride (4:2). He was more concerned with his own happiness and comfort (chapter 4) than lost souls.

5. When running from God, there is . . .

-Indifference to His commands: Jonah 1:2-3
-Inability to hide from Him: Jonah 1:4,17
-Insecurity in the future: Jonah 1:15
-Incapability of helping self: Jonah 1:4-6

6. Jonah is a type of Christ. Both had a special message, Jonah of judgment and Jesus of salvation. Both were in a storm. Jonah was thrown into the water and Jesus calmed the storm. Jonah cried out from the fish and Jesus cried out from the cross. Both rose the third day (Jonah from the fish and Jesus from the tomb) and both preached after their resurrection.