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Old Testament Survey

C. Judgment upon oppressors: Micah 2:1-11
1. Arrogance and violence of the nobles: Micah 2:1-5
2. False prophets who would silence the true prophets: Micah 2:6-11
D. Mercy upon a remnant: Micah 2:12-13

III. The establishment of the Messianic Kingdom: Micah 3:1-5:15

A. Judgment on wicked rulers, false prophets, and the nations: Micah 3:1-12
1. Sins of the civil rulers: Micah 3:1-4
2. Sins of the false prophets: Micah 3:5-8
3. Rulers, prophets, and priests: Micah 3:9-11
B. Character of the Kingdom: Micah 4:1-5
C. Setting up the Kingdom: Micah 4:6-13
1. Restoration of the former dominion: Micah 4:6-8
2. Into Babylon before restoration: Micah 4:9-10
3. Deliverance of Zion and destruction of the enemy: Micah 4:11-5:1
D. The first advent and rejection of the King: Micah 5:1-2
E. The interval between the King's rejection and return: Micah 5:3
F. Events upon His return: Micah 5:4-15
1. He will provide food for the flock: Micah 5:4
2. He will be peace of His people: Micah 5:5-6
3. He will provide power to His people: Micah 5:7-9
(a) The remnant as dew: Micah 5:7
(b) The remnant as a lion: Micah 5:8
(c) The remnant triumphant: Micah 5:9-15

IV. The Lord's problem with His people and His final mercy: Micah 6:1-7:20

A. The people's ingratitude and wickedness: Micah 6:1-7:6
1. Ingratitude for blessings: Micah 6:1-5
2. Righteous conduct is God's requirement, not outward sacrifice: Micah 6:6-8
3. God's threat of judgment: Micah 6:9-14
B. The prophet's intercession: Micah 7:7-20
1. Confession of the nation's guilt: Micah 7:1-6
2. Confession of faith: Micah 7:7-13
3. Prayer for renewal of grace: Micah 7:14
4. The Lord's answer: Micah 7:15-17
5. Doxology: Micah 7:18-20