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Old Testament Survey


l. A quotation from the book of Micah may have saved the life of Jeremiah the prophet many years later. Read Jeremiah 26:16-18 and compare it to Micah 3:12.

2. Micah 4:1-5 gives one the of the most beautiful descriptions of the millennium in all the Bible.

3. Three words can help you remember the book of Micah:

-OUTWARD: His public sermons compose chapters 1-6
-INWARD: His personal thoughts are recorded in Micah 7:1-6
-UPWARD: His prayer to God is lifted in Micah 7:7-20

4. For the historical background of the kings of Judah mentioned in Micah 1:1 read 2 Kings 15:32-20:21 and 2 Chronicles 27:1-33:20.

5. Micah's prophecy concerns the northern kingdom of Samaria and the southern kingdom of Judah. Each time Samaria is mentioned put NK in the margin. Each time Jerusalem is mentioned put SK in the margin.

6. In Micah 6:6-8 God tells you how to approach Him and what He requires. Study this passage carefully.