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Old Testament Survey

C. Reason for destruction: Sin: Nahum 1:9-14
1. God's faithfulness in the present crisis: Nahum 1:9-11
2. Destruction of Assyria: Nahum 1:12-14
3. Rejoicing in Zion: Nahum 1:15

II. Promise to Judah: They no longer need fear this cruel nation: Nahum 1:15

III. Prophecy of destruction, part two: Nahum 2:1-3:19

A. The siege and destruction of the city: Nahum 2:3-13
1. Assault upon Ninevah: Doom of the city: Nahum 2:1-7
(a) Furious preparation for battle: Nahum 2:1-4
(b) Hopelessness of resistance: Nahum 2:5-6
(c) The city as a queen is captured: Nahum 2:7
2. Flight of the people and spoiling of the city: Nahum 2:8-13
(a) The inhabitants flee: Nahum 2:8-10
(b) The destruction is complete: Nahum 2:11-13
B. Reasons for Ninevah's fall: Nahum 3:1-9
1. Description of the battle: Nahum 3:1-3
2. The cause: Her sins: Nahum 3:1-6,16,19
3. The uncovering of her shame is of God: Nahum 3:5-7
C. The fate of No-amon is to be the fate of Ninevah: Nahum 3:8-11 (See Jeremiah 46:25; Ezekiel 30:14)
D. Inability of Ninevah to save the city: Nahum 3:12-19
l. Fall of outlying strongholds: Nahum 3:12-13
2. Siege and destructions of the city: Nahum 3:14-19a
3. Universal joy over the fall of Ninevah: Nahum 3:19b