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Old Testament Survey


1. Habakkuk's statement, "the just shall live by faith," is quoted three times in the New Testament. See Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, and Hebrews 10:38.

2. See also Acts 13:40-41 and Philippians 4:4, 10-19.

3. An "oracle" can be translated "a burden." What is Habakkuk's burden? What is bothering him?

4. Mark each reference to God, the Holy One, Lord, and every personal pronoun which refers to God. Summarize what you learn about God from this book.

5. Mark the references to the "proud or haughty man." Summarize what he is like and with whom he is contrasted. James 4 indicates that God resists the proud.

6. Mark each use of the word "woe" and then observe to whom the woe is going to come, why it will come, and what will happen when it comes. Would any of these be applicable to you because of your lifestyle? If so, repent.