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Old Testament Survey


1. Read Haggai 1:9 to find the reasons Israel was not being blessed by God.

2. Spiritual truths in Haggai:

-The Lord's work takes priority over all.
-The Lord's work demands clean instruments.
-The Lord's work is linked to God's plan for all nations.
-Good is not contagious, but evil is.

3. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Apply the truths of Haggai to yourself personally. Have you given too much attention and time to your personal affairs and neglected the things of God that are important for spreading the Gospel and the furtherance of His work?

4. Mark every reference to "the word of the Lord came by the prophet Haggai" and "the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet." Each occurrence of these phrases begins a message. It will help you see the structure of Haggai.

5. For the historical setting of Haggai read Ezra 4:24-6:22.

6. God told Israel, “I will make thee as a signet” (Haggai 2:23). A signet ring was often a seal of a pledge. It was also used as a mark of honor and a badge of royal authority. Christ was God’s “signet” with which He imprinted upon all believers His image and delegated to us His authority.

7. Apply the teachings of Haggai about work to the unfinished task of the church of reaching the world with the gospel. Think about these things:

-This work should take priority over other obligations.
-This mission demands clean instruments.
-The task is linked to God’s plan for men and nations.

8. If Haggai was writing to you personally in terms of how you are fulfilling the Great Commission, what do you think he would say?

