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Old Testament Survey


1. The book of Zechariah provides much information on the ministry of angels. See chapters 1 and 2.

2. Like the book of Job, Zechariah offers a glimpse into heaven to view the confrontations between God and Satan. See Job l and 2 and Zechariah 3:1-5.

3. Several facts about Jesus are presented in Zechariah:

-His commission: Zechariah 2:8-11
-His present work: Zechariah 3:1-2
-His concern over Jerusalem: Zechariah 1:12
-His title: Zechariah 6:12
-His temple: Zechariah 6:13
-His triumphal entry to Jerusalem: Zechariah 9:9
-His betrayal: Zechariah 11:12
-His crucifixion: Zechariah 12:10; 13:7
-His final recognition by Israel: Zechariah 12:1
-His appearance on Mt Zion: Zechariah 14:4
-His worship by all nations: Zechariah 14:16
-His victory at Armageddon: Zechariah 14:3

4. Several facts about the city of God are presented in Zechariah:

-A city of truth: Zechariah 8:3
-Surrounded by God's glory: Zechariah 2:5
-Filled with children: Zechariah 8:5
-Visited by all nations: Zechariah 8:20-23
-Once again besieged by enemies: Zechariah 12:2; 14:2
-Its enemies are destroyed: Zechariah 12:9; 14:12-14
-Its citizens recognize the Messiah: Zechariah 12:10
-Filled with God's holiness: Zechariah 14:21