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Old Testament Survey

D. The flood: Genesis 6:1-9:29
l. The wickedness of man: Genesis 6:1-4
2. God's decision: Genesis 6:5-7
3. Noah: Genesis 6:8-10
4. God speaks to Noah: Genesis 6:11-21
5. Noah's response: Genesis 6:22
6. God speaks to Noah: Genesis 7:1-4
7. Noah's response: Genesis 7:5-16
8. Life in the ark: Genesis 7:17-24
9. Release from the ark: Genesis 8:1-19
10. God's covenant: Genesis 9:1-17
11. Generations of Noah: Genesis 9:18-19
12. Sins of Noah's family: Genesis 9:20-29
E. From the flood to Abraham: Genesis 10:1-11:26
1. Generations of the sons of Noah: Genesis 10:1-32
2. The tower of Babel: Genesis 11:1-9
3. Generations of Shem: Genesis 11:10-26
4. Generations of Terah: Genesis 11:27-32

II. The patriarchal history of Israel: Genesis 11:27-50:26

A. Abraham: Genesis 11:27-25:10
1. Abraham's birth and ancestry: Genesis 11:26-30
2. His wanderings: Genesis 11:31-13:1
(a) From Ur to Haran: Genesis 11:31-32
(b) From Haran to Canaan: Genesis 12:1-9
(c) To Egypt and back: Genesis 12:10-13:1
3. Abraham and Lot: Genesis 13:2-14:24
(a) Dispute and division: Genesis 13:2-13
(b) God's promise to Abraham: Genesis 13:14-18
(c) Lot captured by the kings of the east: Genesis 14:1-24
4. The covenant: Genesis 15:1-20
5. Ishmael: Genesis 16:1-16
6. Circumcision: Genesis 17:1-27
7. A promised son: Genesis 18:1-15
8. Sodom and Gomorrah: Genesis 18:16-19:38
9. Abraham visits Abimelech: Genesis 20:1-18
10. Isaac born and Ishmael driven out: Genesis 21:1-21
11. Abraham and Abimelech: Genesis 21:22-34
12. Proposed sacrifice of Isaac: Genesis 22:1-19
13. The death and burial of Sarah: Genesis 23:1-20
14. Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah: Genesis 24:1-67
15. Abraham and Keturah: Genesis 25:1-6
16. Abraham's death and burial Genesis 25:7-10