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Old Testament Survey


1. The book of Judges is a direct contrast to the book of Joshua.

Joshua tells of victory, freedom, faith, progress, obedience, spiritual vision, joy, strength,

and unity among the tribes with strong leadership.

Judges describes defeat, slavery, unbelief, division, disobedience, earthly emphasis,

sorrow, weakness, and disunity among the tribes.

2. Galatians provides an excellent summary of the books of Joshua and Judges. Galatians 5:22-26 describes Joshua, and 5:17-21 describes Judges.

3. Judges is a classic example of Hosea 8:7 and Galatians 6:7.

4. Judges 17:6 summarizes the conditions which existed in Israel during the period of the Judges.

5. The story of the strongest man in history is found in Judges 15.

6. Read the story of an army which was put to death for mispronouncing a word: Judges 12.

7. God used unusual methods in the book of Judges. He used:

-An ox goad: Judges 3:31
-A nail: Judges 4:21
-Trumpets: Judges 7:20
-Pitchers: Judges 7:20
-Lamps: Judges 7:20
-A millstone: Judges 9:53
-A jawbone of an ass: Judges 15:15

8. Complete the following chart as you study the recurring cycles of the book of Judges. The first cycle is done as an example for you to follow: