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Old Testament Survey

II. Return to Bethlehem: Ruth 1:6-18

A. Naomi plans return and tells daughters-in-law to return to their own people: Ruth 1:6-9
B. Their appeal to stay: Ruth 1:10
C. Naomi's answer: Ruth 1:11-13
D. Their response: Ruth 1:14
E. Ruth's declaration: Ruth 1:16-18
1. She does not want to leave Naomi: Ruth 1:16
2. She will go where Naomi goes: Ruth 1:16
3. She will live where Naomi lives: Ruth 1:16
4. Naomi's people shall be hers: Ruth 1:16
5. Naomi's God shall be her God: Ruth 1:16
6. She will remain faithful to death: Ruth 1:17

III. Arrival in Bethlehem: Ruth 1:19-22

A. Reception by the city: Ruth 1:19
B. Naomi's response: Ruth 1:20-21
C. The timing of the return: Ruth 1:22

IV. Ruth in the fields of Boaz: Ruth 2:1-17

A. Gleaning in the fields: Ruth 2:1-3
B. Boaz's recognition: Ruth 2:4-13
C. Mealtime with Boaz: Ruth 2:14
D. Gleaning the best: Ruth 2:15-17
E. Return from the fields: Ruth 2:18-23

V. A special plan: Ruth 3:1-18

A. Naomi's plan: Ruth 3:1-5
B. The results: Ruth 3:6-15
C. The return to Naomi: Ruth 3:16-18

VI. The redemption: Ruth 4:1-13

A. The process: Ruth 4:1-12
B. The union of Ruth and Boaz: Ruth 4:13-17
C. The blessing: Ruth 4:14-16

VII. The genealogy of David: Ruth 4:17-22