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Old Testament Survey

II. Saul: The first of the kings: I Samuel 8:1-15:35

A. Israel's demand for a king: I Samuel 8:1-22
B. The choice of Saul: I Samuel 9:1-11:15
C. Samuel's farewell address: I Samuel 12:1-25
D. Saul's war against the Philistines: I Samuel 13:1-14:52
E. Saul's disobedience and rejection: I Samuel 15:1-35

III. Saul and David: I Samuel 16:1-31:13

A. David's anointing and call: I Samuel 16:1-23
B. David's victory over Goliath: I Samuel 17:1-58
C. David's flight from Saul: I Samuel 18:1-20:42
D. David's wanderings: I Samuel 21:1-30:31
E. Saul's death: I Samuel 31:1-13



AUTHOR: Samuel

TO WHOM: Israel

PURPOSE: Continue the historical record of God's dealing with His people.

KEY VERSES: II Samuel 7:22-23

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: God carries out His plan through those obedient to Him in spite of their human frailties.

MAIN CHARACTERS: David, Uriah, Bathsheba, Nathan, Absalom, Abner, Isbosheth, Joab


I. The triumphs of David: II Samuel 1:1-10:19

A. The lament of David over Saul and Jonathan: II Samuel 1:1-27
B. David's coronation over Judah: II Samuel 2:1-7
C. David establishes national and religious unity: II Samuel 2:8-6:23
D. The Davidic covenant: II Samuel 7:1-29
E. David's conquests: II Samuel 8:1-10:19