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Old Testament Survey


1. I Samuel records a transition in Israel from a theocracy (where God ruled directly through priests and military leaders) to a monarchy (the rule by various kings).

2. I Samuel 15:22-23 is one of the greatest passages on obedience.

3. I Samuel 16:7 is one of the greatest passages on true human worth.

4. I Samuel 17:4 describes the world's tallest man.

5. I Samuel 18:1 records of one of the most beautiful friendships recorded in the Bible.

6. I Samuel records the first of several conversations of people who had previously left this earth in death. See I Samuel 28; Luke 16:23-31; Revelation 6:9-10 and Revelation 7:9-10.

7. Samuel started the first Bible schools recorded in Scripture. These were located at Gilgal, Jericho, and Bethel. See I Samuel 10:10; I Kings 18:13; II Kings 2:3,5; II Kings 6:1-2.

8. II Samuel records an important law of sowing and reaping in the spiritual world. After David's prayer of repentance (Psalms 51) God forgave him for adultery and murder (II Samuel 11). But David still harvested sorrow from his actions. The harvest involved the death of an infant son, the rape of a daughter by her own brother, the murder of that brother by another brother, and the rebellion of his favorite son who was later executed by a military commander.

9. Another important principle is taught in II Samuel. It is the principle of doing God's will God’s way. It was God's will for David to bring the ark into the Holy City. God's way was for the priests to carry it. At first David did not obey and it resulted in sorrow and death (II Samuel 6:1-7). It is important to harmonize God's will with God's way.