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Old Testament Survey

II. The reigns of the kings of Judah and Israel: I Kings 12:1-22:53; also continues into II Kings. (See chart on the kings.)

A. Accession of Rehoboam: I Kings 12:1-33
B. Judah's kings: Rehoboam to Jehoshaphat: I Kings 13:1-22:53
C. Israel's kings: Jeroboam to Ahaziah: I Kings 13:1-22:53
D. Ministry of the Prophet Elijah to Israel: I Kings 17:1-22:53



AUTHOR: Unknown. Possibly Jeremiah.

TO WHOM: Israel

PURPOSE: Continue the record of God's dealings with His people, Israel.

KEY VERSES: II Kings 2:9-10

LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: Kingdoms of this world are temporal: They rise and fall under God's control.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Kings of Israel and Judah (see chart on the kings), Elisha, Elijah


I. Ministry of Elisha and continuing record of the kings of Israel: II Kings 1:1-10:36

II. Record of the kings of Israel and Judah: II Kings 11:1-17:41

Continued from the I Kings record. (See chart of the kings.)

III. Reigns of Judah's kings: Hezekiah to Zedekiah: II Kings 18:1-25:30

(See chart of the kings.)