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Old Testament Survey


l. I Kings 12 records the disintegration of Israel's 12 tribes. Revelation 7 describes the future uniting of these tribes. The chart in this section summarizes information on the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The map shows the territorial division.

2. King Solomon, a main character in the book of I Kings, wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. You will study these books later in this course.

3. The following charts of the kings of Israel and Judah will assist you as you study the books of the Kings and Chronicles.

Kings Of Israel

Name Of KingYears of ReignDates B.C.Reference
Jeroboam I22976-954I Kings 11:26-14:20
Nadab2954-953I Kings 15:25-28
Baasha24953-930I Kings 15:27-16:7
Elah2930-929I Kings 16:6-14
Zimri(7 days)929I Kings 16:9-20
Omri12929-918I Kings 16:15-28
Ahab21918-898I Kings 16:28-22:40
Ahaziah1898-897I Kings 22:40-II Kings 1:18
Jehoram11897-885II Kings 3:1-9:25
Jehu28885-857II Kings 9:1-10:36
Jehoahaz16857-841II Kings 13:1-9
Jehoash (Joah)16841-825II Kings 13:10-14:16
Jeroboam II40825-773II Kings 14:23-29
Zechariah½773-772II Kings 14:29-15:12
Shallum(l month)772II Kings 15:10-15
Menahem10772-762II Kings 15:14-22
Pekahiah2762-760II Kings 15:22-26
Pekah20760-730II Kings 15:27-31
Hoshea9730-721II Kings 15:30-17:6