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We will begin this lesson in Romans 3:1

Paul asks this question as if another Jew is asking. It seems that the covenant that God made with Abraham (circumcision) is no advantage at all. Paul asks, what is the reason for circumcision, if it does not benefit the Jew?

Romans 3:2

The non-Jew up until the time of Jesus had no chance of learning of the true God. The law was revealed to the natural Jew only at that time. The promises made were for the physical house of Israel until Jesus tore the middle wall of partition down in the temple when He gave His body on the cross for all mankind. The promise of the Messiah was to the physical house of Israel. The physical house of Israel (Jew) was the one taught in the temple the laws of God. They were the privileged few.

Romans 3:3

The fact that some reject the Truth does not make it any less the Truth. Some have not the faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

Romans 10:9

Romans 10:10

We see in these Scriptures just what it takes to be saved.

Romans 3:4

Psalms 116:11

Hebrews 6:17

Hebrews 6:18

Immutable means unchangeable or always the same. We see above that men are liars, but it is impossible for God to lie, since He is the Truth. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Every man and woman (one at a time) shall stand before this absolute Truth and be judged. We will be justified by Jesus Christ when we Christians stand before Him. Those who rejected Jesus as their personal Savior will be without excuse.

Romans 3:5

We have no righteousness except that purchased for us by the Lord Jesus Christ. Because we are unrighteous, do we presume to judge God for taking vengeance on our unrighteousness? As I said before, those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and take on His righteousness are without excuse and deserve God's vengeance.

Romans 3:6

One thing we can surely depend on is that God is just. God has made a way out for the unrighteous. They must accept Jesus as Savior and Lord and then they will be judged righteous, because they have taken on Jesus' righteousness. There are only 2 types of people as far as God is concerned (those who accept Jesus and those who do not accept Jesus).

Romans 3:7

We might try to justify our sin before God, telling God that our lie makes His Truth even greater, but He will not go for that flimsy excuse.

Romans 3:8

Paul is saying, here, that some liars are going around saying, that He says do evil so that God's good will be greater. Paul just simply says they are lying. They not only lie, but their condemnation is just.

Romans 3:9

Romans 3:10

In the 23rd verse of this chapter Paul makes it very clear that all have sinned.

Romans 3:23

Psalms 14:1

The Jews could not and did not keep the law and the heathen did not even have a law to keep. All have sinned, but praise God, He sent a Savior named Jesus Christ. His righteousness is what we must have. Our righteousness is but filthy rags.

Romans 3:11

This describes our generation perfectly. It seems there is no one seeking after God; or at least very few. If we seek God we will find Him.

Matthew 7:7

Romans 3:12

Even the Jews who had the law were not keeping it. The priests were twisting the law around and carrying their own customs out in the temple rather than carrying out God's law. Jesus came to save the lost world. Just as this Scripture says, no one truly deserves to be saved. God sent His Son because He loved us, not because we deserved that love.

Romans 3:13

There is a similar Scripture in Psalms.

Psalms 140:3

We see from this that the tongue can be a very evil and hurtful instrument when it speaks from an evil heart. I believe that is what is meant by the throat being an open sepulchre. Look with me in the book of James to see some of this.

James 3:6 - 8

When we receive Jesus as our Savior, the very first member of our body that we should turn over to Jesus is our tongue. The natural tongue is very evil, if not controlled by the Spirit.

Romans 3:14

What generation in all of history has been more guilty of cursing than the present? Every movie, or at least the vast majority of them, contain terrible cursing. Bitterness and strife are on every hand. Bitterness against parents is perhaps #1 on the list. Study these Scriptures in Ephesians to learn more.

Ephesians 4:30 -31

Ephesians 4:32


1. The question in verse 1 is what?
2. What way was the physical Jew advantaged?
3. When did the Gentile first have an opportunity to know God?
4. Who was the promise of Messiah made to?
5. Does the fact that some did not believe affect the Truth?
6. Let God be ____ but every man a ____.
7. Where, in Psalms, does it say all men are liars?
8. How had God verified His promise?
9. What does immutable mean?
10. Jesus is the ____,the____,and the ____.
11. Is God____who taketh vengeance?
12. How was Paul speaking in verse 5?
13. Who shall judge the world?
14. What 2 types of people are there as far as God is concerned?
15. What had been slanderously reported that Paul said?
16. Who are under sin?
17. There is ____ righteous no ____ ____.
18. Quote chapter 3 of Romans verse 23.
19. In the 14th chapter of Psalms verse 1, who says there is no God?
20. We have all sinned, but what can we praise God for in this?
21. In verse 11, who seeks after God?
22. Verse 12 says, who does good?
23. Their ____ is an open sepulchre.
24. What is said to be under the lips in verse 13?
25. What is meant by an open sepulchre?
26. What is impossible to tame other than with God's help?
27. Which generation in all of history has been more guilty of cursing than any other?
28. Ephesians chapter 4 verses 30 through 32 tell us what?

Source: Adapted from