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Romans 10

We will begin this lesson in Romans 10:1

We have been saying over and over in these lessons how important it was to Paul that the Jewish people would accept Jesus as their Saviour. God actually called Paul to the Gentiles, but he could not help but desire his own people to come to Jesus Christ. We see that the Lord Jesus desired them to be saved as well as Paul, but they would not. Sdd Luke 13:34

Romans 10:2

It is so strange to me that the people who were supposed to know the Word of God the best did not truly understand what that Word was saying, and they rejected their promised Messiah. The Scripture above, says that it was for lack of knowledge. Perhaps, it was for lack of understanding what they were reading. Hosea 4:6 Even we Christians are warned of the dangers of lack of knowledge.

Romans 10:3

We see from the following Scriptures, the self righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees and how it displeased God.

Luke 18:9

Luke 18:11

Luke 18:12

Luke 18:14

Romans 10:4

Jeremiah 23:6 This is possibly one of the most beautiful names of Jesus Christ in all the Bible, and in the name we see what the Lord has truly done for us. We take on His righteousness, because our righteousness is but filthy rags.

Isaiah 64:6

We really must depend on the righteousness of Christ to save us. We put it on when we are washed in the blood of the Lamb [Jesus Christ].

Romans 10:5

Leviticus 18:5

There were literally hundreds of the Levitical laws that had to be kept to be righteous in the law. There was absolutely no way that a person could even keep up with them, much less keep them. Jesus came and fulfilled them for us that we might live by the grace of God.

Romans 10:6

Romans 10:7

Deuteronomy 30:11

Deuteronomy 30:13

We really had very little to do with the great gift God gave us of His only Son to give His body on the cross that we might live. God loved us while we were yet in sin. The gift of righteousness He provided for us is free, all we have to do is believe and receive it.

Romans 10:8

Matthew 10:32

Matthew 10:33

We can clearly see the importance of the things we say from all of this. Faith, we know is believing in things we cannot see. If you can see something, it takes no faith to believe. Jesus Himself said, blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed.

John 20:29

Romans 10:9

This leaves absolutely no doubt at all what we must do to be saved. We also read that our father Abraham believed and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

Genesis 15:6

Romans 10:10

Verse 9 and 10 above are used in messages very often, because it leaves no doubt at all what you and I must do to be saved. Really the first baptism takes place in your heart. When you repent of your sins, Jesus washes your heart with His blood and you receive a brand new heart with the laws of God written on the fleshly parts of your heart. It is like a heart transplant. Jesus has given you a brand new heart, washed in the blood of the Lamb.

Romans 10:11

I Peter 2:6

If you have really made Jesus the Lord of your life, you want to tell everybody you see. Christians are the bride of Christ. Have you ever seen a new bride that can keep quiet about her groom?

Romans 10:12

Galatians 3:28

We see from this that the only thing that can keep us from receiving Christ is ourself. If we refuse to receive Him, in our life, He will not force Himself on us. If we truly want to receive Him He will not deny us.

Revelation 22:17

Romans 10:13

Acts 2:21

We see from these 2 Scriptures that God answers when we call on Him. His greatest desire is that all will come to Him.

Romans 10:14

Now, we see the reason God chose preachers to work here on the earth. I Corinthians 1:21

We, also, see by the foolish things of this world God confounded the wise. I Corinthians 1:27 "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;"

Romans 10:15

Isaiah 52:7

We see, here, almost the exact Scripture. The God of the Old Testament is the same as the God of the New Testament.

Matthew 28:19

Matthew 28:20

Romans 10:16

Hebrews 4:2

As we have said in so many of these lessons, it is not profitable to just hear the Truth, we must accept it and live by it, also.

Romans 10:17

Luke 11:28

It is the Word of God that is powerful, that convicts us of our sin and sets us on the road to salvation. Look at the next Scripture and see just how powerful this Word is.

Hebrews 4:12 "

Romans 10:18 ,

Matthew 24:14

With the advantage of television and satellite dishes, we have seen this Scripture above fulfilled. Man is without excuse before God; we have been forewarned.

Romans 10:19

Romans 10:20

We will see that the Gentiles were not God's first choice to bring the salvation message to, but when the Jewish people rejected Jesus, then salvation was offered to the Gentile.

Jeremiah 35:15

God gave them literally thousands of years to repent and follow Him and they did not.


1. In verse 1 Paul's desire for Israel was what?

2. In Luke ch.13 v.34, who did Jesus say killed the prophets?

3. Paul said the Jews had a zeal for God, but not to what?

4. In Hosea ch.4 v.6, the people were destroyed for what?

5. What was wrong with the righteousness of these Jews?

6. In Luke the 18th chapter, which of the two men who went to the temple pleased God?

7. Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to whom?

8. In Jeremiah ch.23 v.6, what name is the Lord to be called?

9. Where do we find the Scripture that says our righteousness is filthy rags?

10. How do the Christians fulfill the law?

11. Explain what is intended in Romans 10:6.

12. How close is salvation to us, that we read about in Deuteronomy ch.30 v.14?

13. What did Paul say he preached in verse 8?

14. Who will Jesus confess before the Father?

15. In John ch.20 v.29, who are the blessed?

16. Quote Romans ch.10 v.9.

17. What was counted unto Abraham as righteousness?

18. With the _____ man believeth unto righteousness.

19. What happens to your heart when you repent of your sins?

20. Have you ever seen a bride who can keep quiet about her groom?

21. Is there a difference between the Jew and Greek?

22. What is the only thing that can keep us from receiving Christ?

23. Where do we find the Scripture that says, whosoever will can come to Christ?

24. What is the greatest desire of Jesus toward us?

25. Romans ch.10 v.4 says, how shall they hear without whom?

26. It pleased God by the foolishness of _________ to save them who believe.

27. How shall they preach except they be ____?

28. What part of the body is mentioned as being beautiful of those who preach the gospel?

29. Matthew ch.28 v.9 explains to baptize in whose name?

30. It is not profitable to just hear the gospel, we must do what?

31. How does faith come?

32. Luke ch.11 v.28 says who are blessed?

33. What Scripture tells of the power of the Word?

34. When shall the end come?

35. When the Jewish people rejected Jesus, who was the salvation message brought to?

Source: Adapted from