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Questions on Romans Introduction

1. What was Paul's name from the beginning?
2. What does Paul mean?
3. What does Saul mean?
4. Which of these names was his Roman name?
5. Where was Saul a native of?
6. What nationality was Paul?
7. What was his religious group called?
8. What tribe was Paul from?
9. How could Paul claim to be a Roman?
10. Where had Paul been educated and by whom?
11. What does 1 Corinthians chapter 9 verse 19 through 22 tell us about Paul?
12. Why does Paul not say the same thing all the time?
13. Name 2 controversial things Paul did.
14. What does Paul observe each place he ministers?
15. What woman's house did Paul live in in Philippi?
16. Which Scripture explains Paul's belief about not marrying?
17. Who did the Jews accept better than they did Jesus?
18. Who is the focal point of the entire Bible?
19. What was Paul's way of making a living?
20. Why did he not live off the church?
21. How many years did Paul study in the desert?
22. Where do we find the Scripture that tells of Paul being carried to heaven?
23. What showed Paul's humbleness?
24. Acts chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 tell that Paul was called to a life of ____.
25. In 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verses 23 through 28 what sufferings of Paul are listed?
26. Name 3 specific churches Paul started.
27. When did Paul help establish the doctrine of the Christians?
28. Acts chapter 15 verse 20 gives the doctrine, what is it?
29. How many missionary journeys did Paul go on?
30. What was the longest time he spent at any of these churches?
31. Where did he spend the most time?
32. Much of his writings were done from where?
33. What is an apostle?
34. Quote Mark chapter 16 verse 15.
35. Name some who travelled with Paul.
36. Who ordained Paul and Barnabus?
37. How do we know that Luke travelled with Paul?
38. Which of the friends of Paul was he the closest to?
39. What does Paul call him in 2 Timothy chapter 1 verse 2?
40. In what sense could this be?
41. What troubled Paul?
42. Who did Paul disagree with sometime?
43. What was Paul able to say at the end that can be found in
2 Timothy chapter 4 verses 7 and 8?
44. Not to me only, but unto whom?
