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Living The Christian Life


1. General
2. The example of Jesus Christ
3. Biblical teaching on prayer
4. Obstacles to answering
5. Topics of intercession
For Further Stusy

Through the Bible, God speaks to men ( Ex 24: 3-4 ; Luke 11:28 ; Ro 10:17 ); through prayer, men can speak to God ( Ps 5: 2-4 ; Jon 2: 2 , Jon 2: 8 ). Prayer is therefore one of the elements of the dialogue between the Creator and man.
Prayer is the expression of God's will for his children ( 1 Thess 5: 17-18 ; Lu 21:36 ; Lu 10: 2 ). It is pleasant for him that we pray to him ( Mt 7: 7-11 ; 1 Ti 2: 1 , 1 Ti 2: 3 ; Pr 15: 8b ) even if he knows in advance all our needs ( Mt 6: 8 ) .

1. General

Scripture presents various types of prayers ( Phil 4: 6b ; 1 Ti 2: 1 ):
• requests = general requests made by those in need;
• supplications (including intercessions) = urgent and persevering prayers for a particular subject;
• thanksgiving = praise, recognition, worship.
Prayer can be formulated:
• in particular ( Mt 6: 6 ; Da 6:10 );
• in common ( Mt 18: 19-20 ; Ac 12:12 );
• at all times, in all circumstances and in all places ( Eph 6:18 ; 1 Ti 2: 8 ).

2. The example of Jesus Christ

During his earthly ministry, Jesus prays:
• in particular ( Mt 14:23 ; Lu 5:16 );
• in public ( Lu 11: 1-4 ; Mt 26: 26-27 ; Mt 14:19 );
• at all times: in the morning ( Mk 1:35 ), during the day ( Jn 11: 41-42 ); in the evening ( Mt 14: 22-23 ), at night ( Lu 6:12 );
• in all circumstances: in moments of intense activity ( Lu 5: 15-16 ; cf. Mk 6: 31-33 , Mk 6:46 ), before all major events ( Lu 3: 21-22 ; Lu 6: 12-13 ; Jn 16:32 ), after the blessing ( Mt 14: 15-23 ), in anguish ( Mt 26: 36-39 ), in extreme ordeal ( Lu 23:46 );
• in various places: in a house ( Lu 24: 29-30 ), on a mountain ( Lu 9:28 ), on the cross ( Lu 23:34 , Lu 23:46 ).

3. Biblical teaching on prayer

The Bible teaches to pray:
• God the Father ( Jn 15:16 ; Jn 16: 23-24 ; Eph 3: 14-16 ; Eph 5:20 ; Col 1: 3 , 12); it is the general and usual teaching of Scripture, both of Jesus Christ and of the apostles, but this does not exclude that prayer is in certain cases also addressed to the Son ( Acts 7:59 ; 2 Cor 12 : 8-9 ; 1 Ti 1:12 );
• in the name of Jesus ( Jn 14:13 ; Jn 15:16 ; Eph 5:20 ); that is to say by virtue of the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus (his sacrifice and his resurrection) and his presence in glory which allow the believer to directly access the Father ( Eph 2:18 ; Eph 3 : 12 ; Hey 10:19 , Hey 10:22 ; Hey 4: 14-16 );
• with faith ( Mt 21:22 ; Mk 11:24 );
• with perseverance ( Lu 18: 1 ; Ro 12:12 ; Ep 6:18 ; Col 4: 2 ; Acts 12: 5 );
• with sincerity ( Heb 10:22 ; Ps 145: 18 ); what is asked must be truly desired;
• by the Spirit and with his help ( Jud 1:20 ; Eph 6:18 ; Ro 8: 26-27 ; Eph 2:18 ).
These conditions are essential to obtain the answer; however, it must be remembered that God grants "in favorable times", that is to say when he wants to and as he wants (cf. 2 Cor 6: 2 ).

4. Obstacles to answering

Various attitudes can block the answer to prayer, for example:
• doubt or lack of conviction ( Ja 1: 6-7 ; Ja 5:16 );
• the search for self-interest ( Ja 4: 3 ; cf. Mt 20: 20-21 );
• the refusal to listen to and put into practice the word of God ( Pr 28: 9 ; 1 Jn 3:22 ; cf. Za 7: 11-13 );
• a situation of unresolved sin, a conflict with one's neighbor, a lack of forgiveness or reconciliation ( Mk 11:25 ; cf. 1 Pi 3: 7 ).
Does God always answer?
Yes, God always answers the prayers of his children. No, it is not always the desired response that we receive, and the response does not always come as quickly as we would like. Indeed :
The most frequently quoted passage on answering prayers is John 14: 12-14: Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do, and he will do more great, because I am going to the Father; and whatever you ask in my name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask for something on my behalf, I will. We must understand what it means to " ask in the name of Jesus ". If you want to withdraw a sum of money "in the name of the director of your company", this director must agree to your request, that he has allowed you to sign on his behalf. Ask " in the name of Jesus"means that what you ask is in accordance with the will of Jesus for you, and it will be granted to you - but not always immediately! If you ask for something without knowing the will of God in this area (health, studies, profession, etc.) you have to be ready to accept His will, even if it is contrary to ours, God knows what is good for you and which is often hidden from your eyes.

5. Subjects of intercession

The Bible invites us to pray:
• that God may be glorified ( Mt 6: 9-10 ; 2 Th 3: 1 );
• to expose our own spiritual and material needs ( Phil 4: 6 ; Heb 4:16 ; Mt 6: 11-13a ; Mk 14:38 ; Ja 1: 5 );
• for one another ( Ja 5:16 ; Ro 1: 9-10 ; Ep 6:18 ; Jn 17 );
• for the servants of God ( Eph 6: 19-20 ; Col 4: 3 ; 2 Th 3: 1 );
• for authorities ( 1 Ti 2: 1-2 );
• in favor of all men ( 1 Ti 2: 1 , 1 Ti 2: 3-4 );
• to understand the Word ( Ps 119: 18 ).
Jesus gives a model of prayer in Mt 6: 9-13 , but this prayer should not become a routine recitation. It indicates, on a general level, what must be the priorities in our requests: first the glory of God and the accomplishment of his will, then the expression of our needs.

For Further Study

Prayer and Praying Men by E.M. Bounds
Reality of Prayer by E.M. Bounds
The Necessity of Prayer by E.M. Bounds