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Living The Christian Life

The statement "The righteous will live by faith" expresses that man is accepted before God and saved from eternal condemnation only by faith, but also that the whole life of the one whom God has saved must be governed by faith. "The righteous will live by faith."

Galatians 3:11.

Christian life is lived by Faith. The Christian voluntarily relies on the faithful God and trusts in him. With perseverance, from progress to progress, the Christian advances in sanctification. He feeds on the Word of God (the Bible), he speaks and dialogues with the creator God in prayer, puts himself at his service, and listens to his will for his life.

However, the Christian faces many difficulties and temptations. The believer is constantly faced with a choice: to follow the way of God, or to follow the way of the world (the way of living and acting like those who are far from God).

Discover the main facets of the Christian life, in 11 lessons in this biblical course.

  • Faith
  • Life by Faith
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Perseverance
  • Reading the Bible
  • Prayer
  • The Service of the Christian
  • The Search for the Will of God
  • The Christian Facing the World
  • Temptation
  • Difficulties in the Believer's Life