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Developing A Biblical World View


As you share what you have learned with others, remember you are not called to share your own cultural views. You are to share the Biblical world view.

Culture is the acquired pattern of how things are done in a certain environment. It involves customs, traditions, language. . . actually all of lifestyle and behavior. This is why there are such great differences between people in India and Africa.

You are greatly affected by the culture in which you live. You come to think that your way of doing things is best. But you need to realize that no one culture is superior to another. Your call is not to change the culture or share your own way of doing things which you might perceive as superior.

Your only concern with culture is when practices are in direct violation of God's written Word . . . Then you must confront and deal with them as sin. You are not called to take civilization to the heathen. Your purpose is not to save society, but to save souls. The purpose of a fisherman is not to change the sea, but to catch the fish in it.

Focus on the major task at hand: The teaching of faithful men and women.


Here are four steps you must take to share the Biblical world view:

1. Become a model of the vision. 2. Communicate the vision to others. 3. Keep the vision as the central focus of life. 4. Obey the vision.

Let us look at each step in detail. . .


First, you must embrace the Biblical world view yourself. That is the purpose of this study. When you have recognized your responsibility to the Great Commission and your heart has been touched with concern for the nations of the world, then you can become a model of the vision.

As a model, you become a living example before your friends and church fellowship. Let them see your own concern for the cause of Christ and feel your heart throb for the nations of the world. Let them see you actively engaged in reaching others with the Gospel. The greatest teaching is not done by words. It is done by example. We see this in the life and ministry of Jesus.