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Developing A Biblical World View


Here are some suggestions on how to communicate the vision to others:

1. Share the vision on an individual basis to believers closest to you. Share this course, "Developing A Biblical World View," with them. Share the great spiritual need of the world and explain their personal role in it. Pray together for the nations of the world using strategies you learned in Chapter Nine.

2. Ask your pastor for a "World Christian Focus" as part of the regular church service. This is a few minutes during service when you can share regarding the spiritual condition of the world, unreached peoples, and communicate brief challenges to action.

3. If your church publishes a weekly bulletin or periodic report, insert articles stimulating a Biblical world view.

4. Set up a resource center in your church or home. Include books and materials on unreached peoples, letters from missionaries, bulletin board displays focusing on various nations of the world, prayer maps, etc. (Be sure to include this course as part of the resource center!)

5. Ask missionaries and Christian leaders in other nations to send 5 minute audio taped reports to share with your group. Ask them to send photos, slides, or videos illustrating the work in their nation.

6. If you are in a community where there is a college or university, ask international students to come and share about their culture and the needs of their country. If there is a sub-culture in your area, such as immigrants from other nations, invite them to share with your group.

7. Influence the prayer life of your church. When verbal or written requests are taken for group prayer, keep the global cause of Christ before the congregation.

8. Form a World Christian or evangelism committee in your church if one does not exist. The "For Further Study" section of this chapter explains how to do this.

9. Hold world awareness meetings in your home or church. These could range from a small home meeting to a complete missions conference. Invite speakers from various mission

related agencies. Set up a "World Christian" book table with materials available for purchase. (Be sure to include this course on your table!)

10. Ask your pastor to offer this course, "Developing A Biblical World View," to the entire Church and other churches of the community. Conduct the classes in a home, church, or a public meeting hall.