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Developing A Biblical World View

Harvestime International Institute offers courses which will assist you in doing this. The next course in this series, "Teaching Tactics," will enable you to effectively share with others what you have learned. "Multiplication Methodologies" will show you how to multiply the spiritual force you have trained. Other Harvestime courses will assist you in organizing, managing, and mobilizing these faithful men and women. The Harvestime International Institute course, "Leaven-Like Evangelism," provides specific guidelines for sharing the Gospel message in the demonstration of power. But do not wait until you have completed these courses. Begin to obey the vision right now, right where you are. Here are some suggestions on how to do this:

1. Share the Gospel with others in your own neighborhood, village, and city.

2. Work with your local church in evangelistic outreaches both locally, nationally, and internationally.

3. Pray for the nations of the world.

4. Give to mission related agencies, either through your own church or other responsible evangelistic organizations. Giving to those laboring among those yet unreached with the Gospel should be emphasized.

5. Reach out beyond your own area. Become part of an extension ministry team. Organize an evangelistic team to go into another neighborhood, culture, or nation to share the Gospel.


Here is the continuing cycle of reproduction of the Biblical world view:

Become a model of the vision.

Communicate the vision to others

Keep the vision as central
focus of your life

Obey the vision

The cycle continues